It may be in the mid-90’s here in the south today but whether October is ready for us or not, pumpkin season is upon us. This is my favorite time of year to change up my makeup (usually my clothes too, but still keeping the summer wardrobe strong at these temps!). Luckily, I’ve found some gorgeous new makeup additions for fall that I can’t wait to share, along with all things pumpkin with a side of spooky. So without further ado, here are 7 things for October!

One. Candles that won’t haunt your air quality

7 Things For October

It’s been well documented that traditional candles make your indoor air quality much worse. Artificial fragrance is one component that adds harmful substances to your air, but the paraffin wax used in conventional candles is also to blame due to the soot it creates. If you want to get cozy and light some candles, choose ones made of non-gmo soy or beeswax and pick either unscented or ones that are scented with essential oils. A brand I like is Woodlot. They have really nice scents and also make room sprays and oil blends for diffusing. Find them here.

Two. Mascara that you’ll fall for

7 Things For October

After years of striking out with various natural mascaras, I’d resigned myself to stick with my trusty Lily Lolo which has never failed me. But this year has seen some amazing new mascaras being launched and I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot and found 2 more that I love! The latest is Ilia’s new Limitless Lash Mascara. It lengthens really well and stays put all day. No smearing or transferring, even on hot sticky days (like today!). I love the staying power! Find it here.

Three. Only pumpkin and spice, and it still tastes nice

I think by now most people are aware of how much junk is in the traditional PSL at Starbucks. The good news is you can easily make a healthy version at home, which is much cheaper and actually tastes even better than the fake pumpkin flavor in my opinion. There are a few recipes out their for a healthy version, but my favorite is this one.

Four. A hauntingly beautiful treat from RMS

7 Things For October

I love incorporating more jewel tones in the fall and winter, and I happen to be a big fan of RMS Beauty’s creamy highlighters, so no surprise that I love one of their latest additions that brings both of those together: Amethyst Rose Luminizer. This can be used anywhere you typically use a highlighter or you can use it as eye shadow, either way it gives a cool, icy-type glow. As Aillea’s site describes it: “This luminizer is a hauntingly beautiful icy lilac highlighter with a subtle rose hue” (While this post is full of October puns, I clearly can’t take all the credit for the title of this one). Find it here.

Five. Kid’s costume makeup without anything spooky

I’ve been hunting for weeks to find kid’s face paint or costume makeup without anything questionable. Most of what you see on the shelves have heavy metals and other contaminants, harsh preservatives, and let’s just say makeup marketed to kids as had a bad year in general, what with the asbestos contamination and what not. How hard is it to find a safe product for kids?? Apparently pretty hard since even most “natural” and “green” products I found still have ingredients I wouldn’t put on my kids’ faces. Instead I’ve resigned myself to use my own makeup to help them dress up. It’s just one night and hopefully won’t use too much but I’d rather know what I was using on them was safe. If you have more high end makeup and don’t want them dipping their fingers in, some less expensive clean brands are: Lily Lolo or Alima Pure.

Six. A new potion that will put a spell on you

October Beauty Heroes

Did I just talk about this new launch yesterday? Yes. Am I gonna talk about it again today? Yes. It’s that good. Josh Rosebrook just launched a new serum yesterday and it is really bringing the hydration and glow. Aptly named “Hydration Boost Concentrate”, it truly delivers a boost of hydration and helps skin feel smooth, plump (I dislike that term, but nothing else quite describes it), and more hydrated. It’s also featured in the Beauty Heroes discovery this month and it makes it such a great deal. Check it out here.

Seven. Tricky marketing

Pink Washing

Let this be your annual reminder that pinkwashing is a real thing. While it seems wonderful that companies doll their products up in pink or add pink ribbons to the label and are willing to donate a portion of their sales this month, many of the products in pink contain cancer causing ingredients. If the companies really cared about breast cancer they’d remove hormone distrupters and carcinogens found in the multitude of beauty products they market towards women. Don’t even get me started on the junk food with pink ribbons.. Be an informed consumer and support brands that are truly trying to make the world a healthier place.

Enough October puns for you?? Alright, I’m done. For now at least. Stay tuned, I may be giving away some of the fun makeup finds above plus some more goodies later this month. Happy haunting! (Clearly I need to just get it all out of my system)

*Some affiliate links used. All thoughts, opinions, and terrible fall puns are exclusively my own.