Natural Face Moisturizer Review Part I
Finding a natural face moisturizer that doesn’t send my sensitive skin into a frenzy has been challenging. It took forever to find a good moisturizer in the conventional skin care world…
Finding a natural face moisturizer that doesn’t send my sensitive skin into a frenzy has been challenging. It took forever to find a good moisturizer in the conventional skin care world…
If it’s important to you that you know what’s going on your body (and your family’s bodies too), then having the right resources at your disposal is vital. I blogged about…
Long ago, I spent a few months living in Africa- in a hut. I was doing an outreach in Zambia and the girls in our group had to get creative with…
At night, while tucking your sweet kids into bed, toxins are probably the last thing on your mind as you kiss them goodnight. Unfortunately, this is yet one more area…
Sooooo…. Have you ever had a moment when someone you love approaches you ever so delicately, trying to gently tell you there’s a problem? My husband, who must have read…
Cloth or disposable? It’s a question that a lot of green product mamas ask themselves. For me, eco-friendly disposable diapers made the most sense. After testing many over the last 3…
Have you ever had the urge to wash your hair with embalming fluid? Yeah, me neither. Yet, I put it all over my body for years. Not actual embalming fluid, but…
So I’ve been talking a lot about my favorite natural and organic products, but perhaps you’re wondering why make the switch? There’s no easy answer about what’s right for you and…
A few things I’m currently obsessed with- and trying my hardest not to run out and buy immediately! I’m still in the experimental phase with a lot of the natural…
By now, summer is in full swing and you’ve probably had multiple trips to the pool, lake or even to the beach. We frequent the pool and enjoy boating on the…
Is your deodorant dirty? Not dirty as in there’s dirt in it. Dirty as in it’s full of nasty chemicals that don’t belong on your body (or in your body, which…