BOROUX legacy Water Filter System Review

Remember my water filter update back in December? I’ve dropped hints at what’s to come and today I’m so excited to share my BOROUX legacy Water Filter System Review!
You may be wondering, who is BOROUX? In short, it’s run by the same team that used to operate After the EPA aggressively pursued Berkey last year, they were forced to stop selling. I’ll politely call it government overreach (my opinion), though you may get more of my feelings in the previous update post. You can also read what went down directly from Boroux here.
If you’ve been a reader for any amount of time, you know I LOVED our Berkey Water Filter. I was bummed when they had to stop selling last year, so I’ve been elated about BOROUX’s launch.
On to the review!
BOROUX legacy Water Filter System Review
Why Filter Your Water?
Why not use plain old tap water? It’s surprising what makes its way into the water system. From agricultural runoff (chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and more) to industrial by-products, a lot gets washed into the waterways. Most water utilities deem a certain level of these contaminants to be acceptable. This includes hexavalent chromium, otherwise known as the Erin Brockovich chemical. I don’t know about you, but if something is linked to causing aggressive cancer, I don’t want to be drinking or cooking with any amount of it.
PFAs and PFC? Yes, that too! If you’ve been keeping up with the latest water news, you know these “forever” chemicals have contaminated many major waterways.
Needless to say, I have trust issues with what’s coming out of the tap and I want to be sure what I’m giving my family is safe.
Want to see what’s in your water? Plug your zip code into this database.
How BOROUX legacy Water Filter System Works
If you’re familiar with Berkey or any gravity-fed water filter system, this is similar. Basically, you have two water chambers. You fill the top chamber with water and then water passes through the black filters, depositing filtered water into the bottom chamber. Open the spout and enjoy fresh, filtered water!
The legacy system has room for either 2 or 4 filters. The more filters you add, the faster it filters. Also, 2 filters will filter 12,000 while adding 4 filters increase the output to 24,000 gallons.
I was able to add my Berkey fluoride filters to my legacy filters. I’m not sure if it’s recommended to do so from Boroux, but we haven’t had any issues. Also, *don’t quote me* but I’m pretty certain BOROUX will eventually launch fluoride filters as well.
Boroux is one of the most robust filters on the market, meaning it filters out almost all contaminants. See everything that’s filtered out here.
BOROUX Water Filter Set Up + Maintenance
Very easy setup! It comes packaged with clear instructions and everything you need. My biggest tip is to make sure to keep everything sanitary to ensure you don’t get contaminants or bacteria in the bottom chamber. Wash your hands before starting and wash both chambers with warm soapy water.
Then prime the filters. It includes a device that fits over your faucet and forces water into the filter to prime it. Insert the filters, tighten the wingnuts to hold them in place and you’re ready to add water!
Maintenance frequency may depend on your water. It’s recommended to scrub the black filters every 3-6 months (just using the scrubby side of a dish sponge- no soap), re-prime them, and you’re good to go!
Pros + Cons
As you might guess, I’ve tried a bunch of water filters! Here’s how BOROUX stacks up:
Filters very quickly
Large capacity that easily handles our family of 4
Solid stainless steel chambers that are easy to clean
Stainless steel spigot
Requires NO electricity
Looks really elegant
No hassling with installation or back flushing
The water smells and tastes great. A noticeable difference from our tap water
Too tall to fit under most cabinets (we keep ours on a short plant stand on top of a side table but I’ve also seen people use tall plant stands and tuck it into a corner or beside their cabinets)
While I was sad to say goodbye to Berkey, BOROUX has more than filled its shoes! The system is even sleeker and faster. Plus, the water smells and tastes amazing which is the best part.
You can read more on the BOROUX legacy Water Filter System here and stay tuned, as BOROUX will be adding more products as they go.
We’re exposed to many things on any given day that we can’t do much about, but water is a different story. This is one of the things you can change in your home that will have a direct and lasting effect on your family’s health!
*Affiliate links used. All thoughts and opinions are my own
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