How to Create a Healthier Home in the New Year: A Resource Guide

Did you know the average person spends 90% of their time indoors? Yet, many of our homes are filled with things that affect our health every single day. As we step into a new year, there’s no better time to turn your home into a sanctuary of wellness, one small change at a time. Trying to create a healthier home might seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Over the years, I’ve shared countless tips, products, and strategies to help you reduce toxins and embrace natural living. Today, I’ve rounded them all up into one easy-to-use guide, so you can make meaningful changes at your own pace and start the new year on a healthier note!
Just a note that you don’t have to implement every single thing below to make healthy changes in your home. Small steps add up and every little bit helps! Start where you are and take your time to create a healthier home that works for your family
Why A Healthier Home Matters
Modern times lead to modern problems. For example, it’s great that we can now easily heat and cool our homes but it’s led to sealed, energy-efficient homes that trap indoor air. Why is that an issue? We’ve also modernized how we create building materials and furnishings which means chemical adhesives in furniture, PFAs to resist stains, fire retardants, and the list goes on and on.
Sometimes our homes need a little help letting out the bad and bringing in the good. This can be as simple as opening windows on a nice day to exchange indoor air or turning on the vent fan while you cook. Or you may want to invest in a non-toxic chair next time you’re furniture shopping.
Key Areas To Focus On + Resources
Below are some of the most impactful areas you can focus on while working to create a healthier home. I’ve included previous blog posts and podcast episodes as resources to help.
Water Quality
Quick stat: Only 12% of Americans drink filtered water, even though unfiltered water can contain contaminants like chlorine, fluoride, and bacteria. (American Water Works Association)
There is so much to talk about with water. With more and more contaminants popping up (like PFAs), it’s a great place to focus on. Especially since it directly impacts your family’s health. If you want to find out what’s in your local water, the EWG water database is very helpful! Just plug in your zip code to get the report.
I LOVE our BOROUX water filter. After Berkey encountered some issues, I tried several kinds of water filters and this was the winner for me. Read my full review here.
Some other ideas would be to look into local spring water pick-up or delivery. I also like this under-the-sink system if you have space for it (I didn’t care for this brand’s countertop unit as it was difficult to find a spot where it fit and could be plugged in).
Air Quality
Quick Stat: Indoor air can be 2–5 times more polluted than outdoor air. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Another important area that impacts your whole family’s health. I’m a huge fan of air purifiers (especially AirDoctor) but there are several cheap and even free ways to improve your indoor air quality. Here are a few resources:
Blog posts:
Top 5 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality
Natural Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh
Non-Toxic Laundry Guide (Conventional laundry products have been linked to poor indoor air quality in several studies)
Podcast Episodes:
Creating A Healthy Home With Andrew Pace
Creating Healthier Living Spaces with Marilee Nelson
Another important and multi-faceted topic. For us, this was a long-term goal instead of a quick fix. As we’ve replaced mattresses, certain pieces of furniture, etc. we’ve opted for healthier versions. It’s still not perfect but every swap counts!
Blog Posts:
5 Ways to Create a Healthier Bedroom
Creating A Healthy Home with Laura’s Natural Life
Making your home healthier doesn’t have to happen all at once—it’s about taking small, intentional steps that add up over time. Whether you start by swapping out your laundry detergent, investing in a water filter, or simply adding a few air-purifying plants, each change helps to create a healthier home for you and your family.
I hope this guide has inspired you and given you the tools to create a home that supports your well-being in the new year. Be sure to explore the resources linked above and let me know your favorite tips or what you’re trying first!