I Have This Thing With Mosquitoes

I’ll admit it, I hate mosquitoes. Like REALLY hate. I’ve always been the one they swarm to first, if a group is outside and I’ll get 20 bites when everyone else gets maybe 1 or 2. Even inside the house, if any stray mosquito has gotten in, it immediately zeros in on me. Then there was the time while I was living in Africa, that I contracted Malaria from one and though thankfully I survived (many others did not in the region I was in), I struggled for months to finally recover and feel like myself again. So to say I hate mosquitoes would be quite the understatement. BUT, I also hate toxins.. like the ones in most bug repellents. It’s really quite a conundrum when it comes time to choose what products to use when summer hits. Luckily, I’ve finally found some choices that truly keep the bugs at bay and I don’t have to sacrifice my ingredient standards while using them. They’re all nontoxic, work great, and are safe for the whole family.
So before I dish on the products below, I want to tell you a bit about how I tested them. I tested these products on myself, my kids and my husband (who rarely gets bitten anyway, so he doesn’t really count). We live in Charlotte, NC, where the bugs and mosquitoes are very plentiful and I mainly used these in our backyard and neighborhood playground, which are both heavily wooded and attract lots of mosquitoes. I did not venture deep into the woods where there may have been ticks, etc. Things like Lyme Disease and West Nile are no joke, so I would definitely choose a product that you feel confident in keeping your family safe, if you’re in a high risk area. EWG.org lists their recommendations for kids in high risk areas here.
Nuture My Body All Natural Bug Spray: This one may be my favorite out of all the nontoxic bug sprays I’ve tried. It easily sprays out in an even mist and isn’t greasy at all. Unlike a lot of other natural bug repellents, it actually has a pleasant scent- slightly sweet and not overpowering. This spray is totally effective. Neither myself or the kids got a single bite while using this. That really says something, since I usually still get a few bites even with mainstream brands like OFF. It’s sold by Revescent (a retailer with some incredible nontoxic selection that I’ll be sharing more about tomorrow). $19.99
Valley Green Naturals Bugger Off!: Another one from Revescent that’s also very effective at keeping pesky mosquitoes away. The application is a little messier than the others listed since you apply it with your hands and it is slightly greasy, but it’s still one of my favorite nontoxic options since it performs so well. It definitely kept the bugs away. This was a little easier to apply to the kids since I don’t like spraying anywhere near their faces anyway. Buy it here. $14.99
Honest Bug Spray: This spray works well, but I will say that it’s slightly less effective than the two above. While we do occasionally get bites while wearing this, it still out performs most natural versions I’ve tried and because of it’s accessibility it’s earned a place in my top picks. This sprays on, but some rubbing in/blending may be necessary. Buy it through Honest.com or pick it up at Target. $12.95
I’m excited to share more about Revescent and the Nuture My Body line that they carry! I always love finding a great retailer that carries so many wonderful natural brands. They’ve generously offered a discount code to my readers: 10% off your order with code MAISONLUV and I’ll be sharing some more products with you tomorrow! Until then, hope some of these options help you keep the bugs from biting! xoxo
haha Molly you are exactly like my first daughter!! You have sweet blood 🙂 Mosquito loves you :))) Thanks for this great post! I ordered honest last week, so can wait to received it and try 🙂
xo <3
Haha! That’s what I tell my husband- it must be because I’m so sweet :). Thanks for reading Julie!