Organic Kids Products Guide: How To Find Non-Toxic Bath Products

We all want the healthiest products for our little ones. But how do you know which brands are truly organic or non-toxic? Today I’ve got you covered in the Organic Kids Products Guide. I’m sharing my top, tried and true brands and some tips on how to spot the good brands while you’re shopping!
How To Find Non-Toxic Bath Products For Babies & Kids
This a category that has TONS of greenwashing. Brands know consumers want non-toxic products for their children. So they market many products, even ones that aren’t so healthy or green, as such. Fortunately, you can spot the fakes a few simple ways.
Some apps that can help you while you shop:
SkinDeep, ThinkDirty, and Detox Me by Silent Spring Institute. The first 2 allow you to scan labels while you shop to get the lowdown. The last one goes in depth to all areas of your child’s environment.
Another quick way to check is to flip over the product and look at the ingredients. Here’s a little cheat sheet of ingredients to look for that will tell you right away if it’s not a great product:
Organic Kids Products We Love
Now on to the good ones! All of these brands below pass my ingredient standards and my family has used them.
This line has so much for pregnancy, baby, and beyond! They even have some fun extras like hand sanitizer and bug spray. We love the rich cream during the colder months. A really great line for mamas and little ones. Prices range from about $7 & up
While not kid specific, the body washes and lotion bars are perfect for kids! Did you know the Goody Goody Grapefruit scent was specifically made for eczema? The founder of Kosmatology started as a pharmacist. When her daughter had bad eczema, she used that background to create a natural product that could help. It happens to be one of my favorite scents too! Lotion bars and body washes are $12 each
This is not specifically for kids but is one of the most gentle options available. This washes without any harsh surfactants and helps to protect skin’s microbiome. This works well for anyone, but especially those dealing with sensitive skin issues. Around $19.99 for a large bottle
ThinkBaby has a variety of children’s products, including sunblock and even non-toxic feeding gear. This is another one you may find at a larger retailer near you, though the largest selection will be on their website. This is a pretty affordable option as well. Beware of phenoxyethanol in some of the products, as they’ve recently added it to a few kid’s products. (The sunblock has dimethicone, which isn’t the greenest ingredient, though is poses no health concerns) Prices range from $8.49 & up
This Australian-based brand has a small but mighty line of kids products. My kids’ favorite from them is the Bad Dream Buster spray. It has helped us many nights haha. $12 & up, though the bath products are all $20 or more.
A wide range of fairly affordable products. They also can pop up at larger stores making them pretty accessible. We really enjoy their moisturizers. Note: the label says fragrance due to European labeling laws, but it is in fact essential oil. Prices range from $13.99-$16.99
This a newer line to me. It’s adorable and very luxe. I think a bundle of these would make such a cute baby gift! Paloroma offers hand wash and lotion, hair and body wash, body lotion, and more. Prices range from $18-$21
This cute line is available at some major retailers, which is a plus. I get asked about this line a lot and I’m happy to report that the ingredients in the baby line are very good. It also happens to be pretty affordable. Prices range from $8 & up
Hopefully this list will get you started on finding truly organic kids products!
*Some affiliate links used. All thoughts and opinions are always 100% my own.
Can I ask what you currently use for the kids’ shampoo and conditioner? The Apple & Broccoli is currently unavailable. Thanks in advance!!
I’ll be updating this post soon with better options. For now, our kids are using Babo Botanicals. We are also trying out a newer brand but I want to see how well it works before I recommend it!
I tried a brand called Ever Eden for Christmas for my grandkids and My daughter loves it for her kids. I think it’s a clean brand. So hard to tell.
Hi Kimberly,
I just checked out some of the kid and baby products from that brand and the ingredients look good!