Bright, Glowing Skin With Om Aroma & Co.

You guys know I love a good face mask and my favorite kind of mask is definitely the kind that delivers bright, glowing skin in minimal time. I can exfoliate and moisturize till to my heart’s content and yet, I never manage to get quite the same glowy effect that I can get from a good mask. Om Aroma & Co.’s Manuka Honey Detox Mask definitely delivered in that department and I was excited to get a few samples of their face serums that customized for different needs. I love that it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ skincare system, because the truth is we all have such different skin needs.
This is my first experience with this brand and overall I’ve been impressed. Om Aroma & Co. makes a variety of products for your face and body and they even have a skin ID quiz on their site so you can learn what best suits your skin. I noticed all of the products contain awesome, very beneficial ingredients. This definitely seems to be a well thought through line of products. Let’s talk about the serums first!
The Serums
I received the mini beauty serum trio which has sample sizes of 3 different serums, so obviously this wasn’t a long term test, but I have to say each one was lovely in their own way. They all smelled wonderful, but very different and it was hard to decide which I may want to go with long term since they all delivered such great results. Luckily you can even mix them to get the benefits that best suit your skin! So here’s what I tried:
Protect Raspberry Serum– This smells light and little fruity and florally. Protect serum is designed to fight wrinkles and provide deep hydration with it mix of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. It contains Raspberry seed oil which offers UV-A and UV-B protection.
Glow Carrot Rose Serum– This serum definitely smells floral with a rose overtone. It’s made to make your skin soft and silky and give you a radiance. The carrot seed oil brings vitamin A and Beta-carotene and the rose essential oil has skin clearing properties.
Renew Pumpkin Serum– To get that glow and to fade age spots. Pumpkin seeds are high in Omega’s to reduce lines and hydrate and the rosehip seed oil helps fade age spots, sun spots and scars. This serum had the sweetest smell of the three, but was not overwhelmingly sweet.
The Mask
On to the product that was possibly my favorite- mainly due to how easy it was to use and how quickly it worked! Detox Manuka Honey Mask is packed with skin loving ingredients and with-in 5 to 10 minutes leaves you with glowing, soft skin. The mask itself is on the thicker side and spreads easier when warmed between your fingers or gently warmed up in a bowl prior to applying. After you apply it, cover your face with a warm wash cloth for 5 to 10 minutes and relax. This mask just melts into your skin to the point that it’s surprisingly easy to wipe off afterwards. You can also apply it in the shower and let the warm steam help it sink into your skin (and I always think it’s easiest to rinse off masks in the shower anyway). The mask is good for any skin type. Manuka honey is known for clearing the skin and drawing out impurities and the mask also contains Papaya and Apricot enzymes which get rid of dead skin to brighten your complexion and give you that glow! I love how quick the Detox mask works and I love how relaxing it is to use it with a warm wash cloth over my face. I may even try that with a few of my other masks.
Have you tried anything from Om Aroma & Co.? What were your thoughts? I’m looking forward to trying more from this line. Happy weekend! xo