Natural Product Finds At Target

Looks like Target has gotten the memo that consumers want safer choices. I’ve been blown away at what new product lines I’ve found just walking down their aisles. With more and more natural products to choose from, coupled with the convenience of shopping at Target, people are running out of excuses not to choose natural. Even the items only carried online have the option for free shipping over $25 or Free To Store shipping so you can pick it up at your local Target. It’s hard to believe that I’ve had to update my Target posts twice already in a year! You can read my two previous posts here and here. I’ll happily keep updating these posts if it means more natural brands are coming on board. So, what can you find at Target these days?
As I’ve mentioned in my previous Target posts, there is still plenty of greenwashing happening at Target, so unfortunately you can’t just skip down to the natural section and expect find all safe products on the shelves. It’s important to look beyond the packaging and buzz words. Just because it has some green leaves on the label or says ‘All Natural’ doesn’t necessarily make it so. Be sure to check the ingredients and you can download apps from Think Dirty and Skin Deep to help weed through items on the shelves. While these apps aren’t fool proof, they are a good place to start. Now on to the good things you’ll find! Here are my top picks at Target. (Oh and a little something special for you at the end.)
Beauty Aisle
First up is skincare and body products. This is huge, because it’s the first thing I recommend people switch to natural on. The bigger the surface area that the product covers, the more important it is to be using natural and there are so many great natural options on the shelves now.
S.W. Basics
Acure Organics
Andalou Naturals
Dr. Bronner’s
Bare Republic (sunscreen)
PLANT Apothecary
Nourish Organic
Dr. Bronner’s
Makeup is a little bit more scant, especially in store. The good news is that they have really great shipping options, so even if it’s not in your local store, it shouldn’t be too hard to have it shipped.
W3ll People
Honey Bee Gardens
Physicians Formula Organic (not to be confused with the regular Physicians Formula line)
Pacifica (Not all items from this line are clean. Check the ingredients)
Acure Baby
Honest Co.
Zoe Organics*
Earth Mama Angel Baby*
California Baby
(*Carried in the women’s reproductive health department)
Seventh Generation
Honest Co.
White Vinegar (cleans everything but marble- don’t use it on that)
What To Avoid:
So many safe options to choose from! That being said, there are a few brands I frequently get asked about that are better left on the shelf.
-Burt’s Bees has a few safe products, but many of them still contain unsafe ingredients.
-Aveeno is definitely not natural, although they always seem to be displayed in that section. Especially on the baby aisle.
-Cetaphil.. Nope. Just nope.
-Method may be slightly better than most cleaning brands, but they’re still full of synthetic fragrance which is best to be avoided.
-Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day has the exact same issue as Method does.
-Yes To (Yes To Carrots, Yes to Blueberries, etc) is not that natural and has ingredients I would avoid.
Here’s a guide from on what ingredients to avoid while you shop:
lcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40)
DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine) & TEA (triethanolamine)
DMDM Hydantion & Urea (Imidazolidinyl)
FD&C Color Pigments
Synthetic Fragrances
Mineral Oil
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
Along with:
Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA)
As I promised, a little something special for you guys: All these great brands to try and I’ve teamed up with one of them to celebrate their launch at Target! Plant Apothecary is more than just an all natural brand. This Brooklyn company knows how to give back to the community and they’re products are made with the help of mentally and physically handicapped adults. I have a review of the products coming soon, but so far, I’ve fallen in love with their body washes. Head over to my Instagram where we’re having a celebration and giving away one of their products. Happy shopping Target lovers! xoxo
this is so awesome! It’s incredible how much Target has upped their game in green beauty ♥
This is definitely a win! I hope that my Target will carry more than just Acure soon! I also love that they are getting more organic foods in as well! Their store brand organic is really affordable which I appreciate a lot right now! Love Target!!! 😀