7 Things For August

We may still be right in the middle of the long hot summer days, but before we know it school will be back in (it already is for some of you!) and the days will start cooling off. We still have one more beach trip and some other things planned to make the most of the last few weeks of summer, but we’re already prepping for fall and the new school year! From some fall happenings to a little lunchbox inspiration, here are 7 things for August.
One. Enzyme Cleansing Oil
I love a good cleansing oil, especially in the summer. It does such a great job of dissolving sweat, oil, makeup, sunscreen, and everything else that’s accumulated on my skin throughout the day. Pleni Naturals, known for their children’s products, decided they wanted to make something for the mamas too, so they just launched their own Enzyme Cleansing Oil and I have to say, they nailed it! It has a great slip to it, so it massages on well and then gently exfoliates with enzymes. The best part? It actually emulsifies with a little water and rinses off clean. You can find it on Pleni Naturals’ site or at The Choosy Chick.
Two. Packing Lunches
If you’re like me, you may get stuck in a lunchbox rut from time to time. It’s hard to make it healthy, delicious, and not boring. Lisa from This Organic Girl shared some of her favorite lunches to pack in a guest post a couple of years back and I still refer to it for inspiration. You can see the post here.
Three. What About The Lunch Box?
The other half of the equation is what do you pack the lunch in? Finding nontoxic, eco-friendly lunch supplies for kids can be daunting, but I’ve shared some of my favorites in this post.
Four. Expo East
If you’re on the east coast, mark your calendars. Expo East is happening next month and will showcase some of the best natural products around. This will be my first year going and I’m so excited to check out all the brands and products they’ll have there. You can check out their site for all the info. I’d love to see you there!
Five. Unicorn Food
Annabelle had a gift certificate to a local book store and after browsing the shelves we ended up in the cooking section and she just had to have this book! I fully approved since it’s full of healthy, plant-based recipes, but they’re all done in such a fun way that she wants to make and taste it all. Win/win. This isn’t a kid book but I think any little chef would really enjoy whipping up the recipes and it will encourage them to try some new things. You can find it on Amazon.
Six. A Quick Rewind
I started testing out the Native Atlas Zahara Rewind Tonic a couple of months back and this is one of those things that I liked as I first tested it and it has continued to grow on me significantly! When I use it regularly, my skin looks so clear and smooth. I’m especially prone to breakouts in the hotter months, but this has kept them at bay for the most part this summer. It’s an easy way to gently exfoliate everyday! Find it here.
Seven. Beauty Heroes x Maya Chia
Ok, I wrote a whole blog post about this, but it’s worth repeating! One of my most favorite masks is being featured in the Beauty Heroes box this month (along with a fantastic face mist) and it is quite a deal! You guys know I love to mask so I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject (if I do say so haha) and this mask really blew me away. It’s so good and 100% worth the splurge, and even more so since you get it at such a good price through the August Beauty Heroes selection.
Happy August!
*Affiliate links used. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
As we step into a new month, it is necessary to use proper creams and lotions as per to the weather. Apart from the above list, I suggest taking a spa treatment or massage therapy at the month of August. You will find lot of improvements in your body and skin after the massage therapy.