Josh Rosebrook: Truly Natural Hair Care

I have to say, finding a good, nontoxic haircare brand has been the bane of my mission to go completely clean with my products. After trying quite a few different natural brands, I kind of piece-mealed a routine together that consisted of a mix of different products and brands… None of which worked great, so I sometimes still dipped my toes back in the murky water of unclean products. Finally, I tried Josh Rosebrook’s Hairspray last Fall and really loved it (you can read my full review here), so when the newly released Lift hit the market, it rose to the top of my ‘must-try’ list. I’d been searching for a nontoxic volumizer spray for ages. Luckily for me, my fellow blogger, Janny of, hosted a giveaway for Josh Rosebrook’s shampoo, conditioner and new volumizer ‘Lift’ AND I won!! I never win anything, so I’m still pretty pumped I won!
First things first, let’s talk about packaging. It’s timeless, it’s classic and it’s universally appealing. It’s always a win when I can present a product for my husband to try out that doesn’t look overly girly. On top of that, the scent of all of the products is also very universally appealing. At first glance of the label, I assumed they would be very herbal smelling, so I was surprised when they had a very clean, pleasant scent that wasn’t too herbal. The scent’s not over powering at all. The nice, light scent lingers just enough to remind you that you have clean hair.
The shampoo doesn’t lather much. This wasn’t a surprise or turn off to me since a lot of natural shampoos skip the synthetic foaming agents and JR products are truly natural. It does get your hair clean without stripping it of any oils. Since my hair has been colored blonde, then brown, then back again a wee bit too many times, my ends are dry and damaged. I would say my scalp and top portion of hair are normal, if not a bit on the oily side. I try to only wash my hair every other day to prevent stripping and because (being honest) it saves a lot of time if I don’t wash and style it everyday. This shampoo and conditioner combo keeps my hair’s moisture balance in check and helps to keep my ends feeling less dry. My hair feels healthier than it has in a long time since I’ve started using these. I’ve also noticed a big decrease in frizziness and my hair feels tamer and easier to style. The one thing I should point out is that I’ve found that I need to shampoo with a more clarifying shampoo every so often (maybe once every week or two), otherwise my hair starts looking oily much quicker after washing. If you shampoo everyday or have thick, courser hair I don’t think that would be necessary. If you have fine or especially oily hair, I would recommend shampooing everyday with these products.
Buy them here. Cost $8-30
As I said on Instagram not long ago, Lift was the last missing piece in my nontoxic routine. Sure, there are a few fringe products (things I don’t use often) that I’m still searching for, but as far as my everyday routine goes, this was the last piece! I’ve searched high and low for a good volumizer and this has held up to all of my criteria. Completely natural and it really gives your hair volume. I’ve used it on wet and dry hair- it definitely works better on wet hair, but even on dry hair it adds some lift. It has the same clean scent as the shampoo and conditioner and same great packaging. It sprays on easily and after a quick blow dry my hair feels light and volumized!
Buy it here. Cost: $22
Cheers to happy hair days ahead! xoxo
I’ve been trying out the shampoo and conditioner too. I love how they make my hair feel immediately after washing and also when just dried but I feel by that evening my hair looks quite greasy. Its very similar to when i use a cleansing conditioner actually.I do have greasy hair but I can usually get at least a day or day and a half out of a wash then I just dry shampoo or tie it up til the second day. So unfortunately it’s back to the less clean brands til I find something that works.
Hi Lisa,
I can definitely see how it may make your hair seem greasier faster, especially since your hair is on the oily side anyways. I really needed the extra moisture this line has provided, so it hasn’t been a problem for me. Another line I really like is Evolh Shampoo and Conditioner (Sold at They smell wonderful and really lather up and clean your hair well. They don’t give me enough moisture so I just use them every so often, but I would definitely recommend it for your hair type. xoxo
These products are definitely on my wishlist! Josh Rosebrook has been so highly praised that I can’t help but swoon.
These styling products are definitely the best natural versions I’ve found! Lift, in particular, blew me away! xo