I’ve been so pumped about the September Beauty Heroes box that I couldn’t wait to share all of the details! Thankfully, it’s September 1st and I can finally spill the details. This month features none other than one of my total faves, Josh Rosebrook. All of his products are formulated to perfection and this box happens to have 3 of my top picks from this line! Plus the ingredients are all top notch. Squeaky clean and very effective.

September Beauty Heroes

September Beauty Heroes with Josh Rosebrook

The Hero

September Beauty Heroes

Ask any Josh Rosebrook fan and they’re sure to name the Active Enzyme Exfoliator as one of their favorites. It works well for any skin type and a variety of skin issues. It does offer a gentle physical exfoliation due to the ground walnut shells, but it’s true power is in the enzymatic ingredients that soften skin and help to dissolve congestion in pores. It also has ingredients that promote healing like Ashwaganda and black cohosh. I like to use this as a mask and then gently scrub my skin with it when it’s time to wash it off.

The Sidekicks

September Beauty Heroes

Not on but TWO sidekicks accompany this month’s hero. The first up is the Advanced Hydration Mask. This is one that I’ve used and loved since it was launched! It is such a treat for skin, even if you’re not feeling super dry or dehydrated. It’s like a warm, cozy blanket for your skin. I love putting this on after a more intense exfoliation or if my skin feels like it needs some extra moisture. I don’t know what magic it has, but somehow it makes my skin feel so moisturized for the inside out for a full day afterwards, without being greasy. Also, I love the smell and find it really comforting. Just writing about it now makes me want to go put it on!

September Beauty Heroes

Ok, now that I’ve applied the Advanced Hydration Mask, let’s talk about another favorite of mine: The Hydrating Accelerator. I have a few different toners and face mists, but this is the one I reach for the most. It primes my skin perfectly without leaving any residue behind and helps draw more moisture in. It’s also great as a mid-day refresh!

September Beauty Heroes

Want to get in on this month’s box? You can sign up here before Sept. 20th for Beauty Heroes and still receive this month’s box. Members also get 15% off in their beauty store everyday. If you haven’t tried Josh Rosebrook, I highly recommend grabbing this box as it gives you a great overview of his line and lets you try several of his top products.

*Affiliate links used. All thoughts, opinions, and love of Josh Rosebrook products are my own.