I’m always on the lookout for the best of the best natural products and with so many great things on the market now, sometimes it’s hard not to wander off my routine and try something new. Luckily, I’ve found quite a few things that I can’t get enough of and are truly the best of what I’ve tried. These are staples in my routine and things that I can’t recommend highly enough. Here’s what I’ve been loving lately!

Loving Lately

Loving Lately: Axiology Lipstick

The Perfect Fall Lip

Around this time of year, I always tend to change up my look, but one thing I won’t be changing is my lipstick. I’ve been wearing Vibration from Axiology over the summer and it actually works great for fall as well! Which is perfect, because I’m not ready to give it up yet. It’s a nice rich, pop of color and their lipstick is very moisturizing. Plus, I can’t get enough of their packaging! You can find it here.

Loving Lately: Holi (C)

Holi (C) Refining Face Vitamins

Very recently I had a facial (it had been way too long since my last one!) and while chatting up the esthetician, she started telling me how important vitamin C is for your skin. It not only defends skin from free radicals, helping skin to show less aging, but it also helps to build collagen, lighten discoloration, and up your skin’s hyaluronic acid levels. We made fast friends as we compared ingredient notes and I told her I’d found the best vitamin C product on the market, in my opinion.

Agent Nateur Sources their vitamin C from France and it’s non-gmo and in a stable, readily used form. They use Organic Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, instead of the typical ascorbic acid. Since vitamin C is notoriously hard to keep stable, it can become ineffective depending on packaging and serums tend to have their own issues keeping the vitamin stable. This one is a powder that can be mixed into any of your existing products, making it super convenient and keeping it potent.

Cold Season? Or Lack Of Vitamin D Season?

Speaking of vitamins, I’m going to be even more diligent about vitamin D this fall and winter. I don’t give my kids a ton of supplements, but vitamin D drops are among the few things I make sure they take. Carson asked me the other day what was so important about vitamin D. He’s very literal and very scientific minded, so I wanted to give him more than what I knew off the top of my head and looked up some recent articles.

Vitamin D is essential for many of our bodily systems, including our immune system, but I was blown away at how many studies (like this one) showed vitamin D supplementation resulted in a significantly lowered risk of catching the flu, colds, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses.

On the same day I was researching this, my friend, Dr. Courtney, posted some very valuable info about vitamin D and what it does for your body. She’s so knowledgeable and you can read her post here. It’s no coincidence that cold and flu rates drop in the spring and summer when we’re all getting a lot more sun and producing vitamin D naturally! Courtney suggests some great supplements in her post, but this is what the kids and I take if you’re curious. It’s safe to say I love my vitamin D drops!

September Beauty Heroes

Get Your Skin In Shape

The Josh Rosebrook Active Enzyme Exfoliator is probably one of the best exfoliators that I’ve ever used. It leaves my face feeling like a baby’s. If you leave it on as a mask prior to doing any scrubbing action, it is pretty amazing. This is one of those products that I don’t think I can ever be without. It’s that good! You can also score it for a great deal this month in the Beauty Heroes box. I reviewed it here and basically can’t stop gushing about it because I can’t believe how awesome the September box is with 3 Josh Rosebrook products!! You can still grab one until the 20th or until supplies run out.

Loving Lately: Bless

Bless: Still Loving!

I included this in my last Loving Lately roundup, but this is still one of my top products. Ever since Leahlani launched their gorgeous therapeutic fragrance, which is named after the balm it smells like, I’ve been obsessed with Bless. It’s such a pretty, soothing fragrance and I can’t get enough of it. I see myself wearing it long into the fall. I put it on every single day! You can find it here.

*Some affiliate links used. All thoughts and opinions are my own.