Tools Of The Trade: My Favorite Facial Tools

Nothing takes your skincare to the next level faster than using facial tools. I can honestly say that one of my favorite morning rituals is taking 4-5 minutes to connect back with my skin using gua sha. Not only does it have actual benefits like promoting lymphatic drainage, but I can see and feel results too, like decreased puffiness, relaxed muscles, and I find myself less prone to clenching my jaw during the rest of the day. From micro-needling to ice rollers, there are a lot of tools to choose from! Here are some of my favorite facial tools that I use regularly.
My Favorite Facial Tools
One. Rose Quartz Gua Sha Stone
I have a couple of gua sha stones, but this is my favorite. I love how the angles and curves form to my face and it’s easy and comfortable to hold and use. You can use it morning or night, but I prefer morning as it helps move fluids around and depuff my skin. You can read more about gua sha here.
Two. Opalite Gemstone Roller
This is a classic that everyone can use in their arsenal. Rollers are perfect for smoothing lines, moving fluid around, and their main claim to fame is the way that they help serums and oils absorb into your skin deeply and more evenly. Just gently roll over your skin after you’ve applied your product(s) and it will work its magic.
They come in a few different stones/gems. Some people choose certain ones because they attribute certain powers or benefits to certain stones. I can’t say I know much about that, so I mainly go for the prettiest, but you can choose from a few different ones here.
Three. Microneedling Tool
Slightly scary but I promise this isn’t as bad as it seems! Yes, this is a wheel full of tiny needles that you roll across your face but you only need to use very light pressure and it will firm and smooth your skin. I only use this about once a week and disinfecting it each time is a must. Soaking the head in tubing alcohol before and after each use does the trick. Check it out here.
Four. White Turquoise Beauty Wand
This is the only tool listed here that I don’t have but it’s on my wishlist! The Beauty Wand is gorgeous and more importantly, it can really isolate muscles during massage and reduce tension, puffiness, and more. This would be great to keep nearby if you frequently find yourself squeezing your eyebrow together or clenching your jaw during the day. Find it here.
Five. Jade Eye Mask
This mask is perfect to use if you’re stressed or have a headache. Lay back, put on a podcast or some music and let the jade stones rest over your eyes and forehead. The slight weight and slightly cool temperature of it do wonders to relax tight muscles. It’s also a nice way to take a break from staring at your screen and give your eyes some rest. Find it here.
Six. Ice Roller
You can find extensive lists of benefits from using an ice roller regularly, but the biggest benefits are reduced inflammation, reducing puffiness, and helping skin look tighter and firmer. I don’t use this every morning but definitely pull it out on mornings that I feel extra puffy or my jaw hurts from clenching at night (something I’m working on but it still happens occasionally). It also may work some magic if you happened to be over-served the night before, not that it ever happens to me ;). They make some with stainless steel rollers but this is a rare time that I prefer plastic. The stainless steel is a bit too cold for me. This is the version I have and it’s pretty affordable.
Any of these would be great options to start with, but I think the simple gemstone roller is the most versatile and basic one to have. Whichever you pick, just be sure to clean them regularly with a gentle soap like Dr. Bronners. Any facial tools that you love that I didn’t include? Tell me about them below!
*Affiliate links used in this post. All thoughts and opinions are always my own.